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- K. A. Hobbs
To Mend a Broken Heart Page 23
To Mend a Broken Heart Read online
Page 23
“Let’s finish our breakfast shall we? We’ve got a long flight ahead of us.”
He flashes me his breathtaking smile, a smile that tells me he understands. There’s no point getting all hot and bothered right now, we can’t do anything and it will be torture for both of us to keep this going. After we’ve eaten and everything has been collected, we both settle back to read. Daniel refused to buy an eReader, telling me, reading was about feeling the paper under your finder tips. I tried to explain that carrying books got heavy, I could have thousands of books in my hand in one lightweight device, whereas he could only have one, but he told me he had muscles so he’d best use them. The flight goes quickly and pretty soon there is only an hour left. Daniel puts his book down and wraps his arm around me, pulling me closer to him. Laying his cheek on the top of my head, he reaches down for my hand and laces our fingers together.
“I have to shoot some photos tomorrow.” he whispers.
“Okay.. How long for?”
“Probably all day, but then I’ll have a few days before the next, I’m sorry, Katie.” he sighs.
“Hey, it’s okay. This is a working trip. I can find things to do, I’ll be in the most magical city in the world, Daniel. I’ll be fine.”
“I know, but I wanted to show you, I wanted to explore with you.”
“And you will. You tell me the things you’re desperate to do with me and I won’t do them.” he pulls my face up to his and presses a kiss to my lips.
“You want me to tell you all the things I’m desperate to do with you? Right now? Surrounded by so many people?” he murmurs against my lips.
“Why do I get a feeling, you’re not talking about The Empire State Building?” I grin.
“That would be because I’m not.” he presses his lips back to mine and slowly, slips his tongue into my mouth.
I forget where I am for a while, linking my hands around his neck, pulling him to me, allowing him to stroke his tongue against mine as I do the same to his. I finally pull back when the lady sitting next to me asks if she can get up and go to the loo. Daniel’s cheeks are gorgeously flushed when we pull apart and his eyes are darker blue. I stand and so does Daniel, letting our neighbour out. When I go to sit down, Daniel pulls me down into his lap and I giggle.
“We’ve still got at least two hours before we get to the hotel, behave yourself!” he half growls at me.
“Me? I haven’t done anything!”
“You’re near me, that’s enough.” he chuckles.
Quicker than I thought we would be, we’re leaving the plane and heading to immigration. We have our fingerprints and a photo taken before being welcomed to America and wished a happy stay. It’s all very efficient and I’m impressed. Waiting for our bags, my phone bleeps with a message. Knowing who it will be, I fish it out and look at the screen.
Ginny: Have the most amazing time beautiful, I can’t wait to hear all about it! Don’t think of anything other than what you’re going see next, where you’re going to eat and that handsome devil you’re with. Love you MILLIONS. X
* * *
“You’re on the thirty-second floor. If you go to your right, you’ll see the elevators. Can we help you with your bags?” the guy behind the counter asks as we check in.
“No thank you, I’ve got them.” Daniel smiles.
“Enjoy your stay Mr and Mrs Lambert, if we can help with anything, please let us know.”
I don’t correct him, I just smile and say thank you. While we’re waiting by the lifts to take us to our floor, I catch Daniel giving me sideways glances, knowing what he’s thinking, I reach over and take his hand.
“I wonder what our room is like?” I ask him.
“I guess we’ll find out in a minute.” he smiles as the lift doors open.
We climb in and press our floor. The lift begins to move at a speed I didn’t think one could. When we stop moving and I step out into the hallway, I sway a little. I don’t think I’ve ever been up so high and I feel a little dizzy. Daniel wraps an arm around my waist to steady me and chuckles in my ear.
“Come on, let’s go find our room.”
He leads me down the corridor until we find our room. He slips the key in the door then pushes it open. We step in and I gasp. Our room overlooks the 9/11 Memorial and we can see for miles. I turn excitedly to Daniel and find him just standing watching me with a huge smile on his face. He walks forward and I leap into his arms, burying my face in his neck, I breathe him in.
“I can’t believe I’m here.” I whisper, feeling suddenly overwhelmed with everything.
“I can’t believe you’re here with me.” he breathes back.
“Thank you, Daniel. Thank you for making one of my dreams come true.”
He doesn’t say anything, just kisses me softly and squeezes me tighter to him. Desperately needing to wash away the journey, I head into the shower and freshen up. Twenty minutes later, we’re walking out of the hotel and into Starbucks for coffee. When we’ve had a much needed caffeine fix, we head to the subway to go to Central Park. It’s exciting and Daniel navigates likes a New Yorker, clearly knowing where he’s going after being here before. When we exit the subway at our stop, we come out opposite the famous Dakota building. I stand and stare at it for a little while, before I feel Daniel squeeze my hand and nod in the direction of the park entrance.
We walk into the park and I grin, I can’t help it. I’m in Central Park! This morning I woke up in England and now I’m in New York. Life is incredible sometimes. Daniel seems to know where he wants to go, leading us to the most beautiful fountain I’ve ever seen. There are people milling around despite the bitter cold. We walk down the steps and closer to the fountain. To the left of us an old man is walking hand in hand with his wife, both of them wrapped up against the cold.
“Dance with me?” Daniel holds out his hand and stops moving.
“Here?” I ask a little shocked.
“Yes. Right here.”
“But we don't have any music, Daniel and everyone will be looking.”
“We don't need music, we make our own. The music that beats within our hearts. The music that courses through my veins and pounds in my ears every time you're near me.”
I shiver right where I stand, his words washing over me and causing my blood to heat. He steps forward, right in the middle of Central Park and holds out his hands to me. I step into his embrace and he pulls me flush against him. It’s cold yet I can feel his body heat through his jacket. Tilting my head up, I look into his blue eyes.
“Your words… Do you have any idea what they do to me?” I whisper so only Daniel can hear me.
“Do you have any idea what you do to me?” he answers my question with one of his own.
“You didn’t answer my question.” I smile, raising my hand to his face.
“You didn’t answer mine.” he smirks.
“Are we playing this game?” I roll my eyes.
“No. I have no idea what my words do to you. Tell me?”
“It’s below freezing out here and I’m feeling flushed. My pulse is racing, that’s what your words do to me.” I hold his face in my hands and look into his blue eyes.
“It is freezing out here, yet…” he dips his head to my neck and inhales, “Strangely enough, I don’t feel cold at all.”
“Let’s walk, before one of us decides to forget sight seeing and go and test out the huge bed waiting for us in the hotel room.” I wink at him, grabbing his hand and pulling him in the direction I want to explore.
When we arrive back to the hotel, my feet are aching and I can’t feel my nose or fingers. Daniel’s cheeks are pink from the cold and he has the biggest grin on his face. Alone in the lift rapidly climbing up the thirty-two floors he pulls me to him.
“Can we shower together when we get back to our room? Then can we order room service?”
“You don’t want to go out?”
“I’m exhausted, we’ve been up for hours. Since we got here, we haven’t stopped
. I last ate three hours ago. I’m cold, tired and I’ve been unable to properly worship you since we left England. I’m about ready to explode if I don’t get to make love to you in the next ten minutes.” he groans into my ear.
“Okay then,” I grin, tilting my head to the side, “Let’s do all of those things.”
After ordering room service, we shower together, taking time to show our love for each other in gentle caresses and soft kisses. When we stumble out of the shower and into bed, Daniel wastes no time in proving to me just how much he wants me. Surrounded by pillows and the New York skyline as our lights we both find the release we’ve been craving. After filing our tummies with the most delicious food I’ve ever had in a hotel, we fall asleep, wrapped in each other, smiles on our faces. Content and happy.
* * *
I wake up in the comfiest bed, wrapped in the softest sheets, surrounded by the most delicious scent and the warmest skin pressed to my bare back. I smile and snuggle a little closer, not wanting to wake a still sleeping Daniel. Yesterday had been incredible, I run through the events in my head. Walking hand in hand through Central Park, Daniel pulling me to him and dancing with me around the fountain as people walked past, smiles on their faces, some stoping to watch, one curious teenager even recording us on their phone. Finding the little organic café hidden in the centre, almost like a hidden gem. It was incredible absorbing the culture and people. Having room service in bed after showering together, making love to him with the lights from the city streaming through the windows. It was incredible. I feel the moment he wakes up, he moves forward and buries his head into my neck, inhaling then letting out a satisfied sigh. I link our fingers together and bring them up to my lips in greeting.
“Good morning, Katie.”
“Good morning, Daniel.”
“How did you sleep?” his voice is deeper, husky with sleep.
“I slept the best I've ever slept. How did you sleep?”
“The same. The novelty of waking up with you in my arms is still so new, I know in my sleep you’re here, Katie. I sleep so soundly since we’ve been together.”
“I’m glad.” I smile, kissing his long fingers again.
“Are you ready for coffee?” he asks, kissing my neck.
“Yes, please.” I turn in his arms, pressing a kiss to his chest.
“I'll make it then come back, I have a couple of hours before I need to be at the shoot.”
I watch as he gets out of bed, unabashedly naked and walks to the bathroom to get some water for the coffee machine. Once he has set it to start, he climbs back into bed and pulls me to his warm body. I sigh and kiss the tattoo over his heart then rest my head on his chest, throwing my leg over his. Daniel kisses the top of my head and pulls me even tighter to him, like he’s afraid I’ll escape.
“So, what are you going to do today?” he asks me, running his fingers up and down my spine.
“You’re going to groan at me if I tell you.”
“I won’t groan at you,” he laughs softly, “What are you going to do?”
“I’m going to Bloomingdales.” I grin… and Daniel groans.
“Of course you are,” he laughs, “Leave a female alone in New York city, she is going to shop.”
“You’re working, I can’t go to the Empire State Building, I can’t go to Top of the Rock, I can’t go to the 9/11 Memorial, so I’m going shopping. Do you want to shop?” I lean up and look at him.
He has the sweetest grin on his face, like what I just said is the funniest thing. He looks genuinely happy and my whole heart fills with love for him. Fills with hope and happiness. It’s an incredible feeling.
“I’d do just about anything with you, Katie.” he smiles.
“Well, I’m saving you the pain of shopping.” I kiss his chest and snuggle back into his warmth.
“Then tonight, I’m taking you out.”
“Where to?” I ask, curious.
“It’s a surprise.”
“Well… will I need a new outfit?”
“Did you not bring enough?” he chuckles.
“I brought… some, yes. But is it fancy? I might need something new if it’s fancy.”
“If you’d like something, get something. Whatever you wear, you’ll be breathtaking.” he tells me, smoothing his hand down my back.
The coffee finishes brewing and Daniel climbs out of bed as I prop myself up with the mountain of pillows. We sit, snuggled together in bed enjoying our morning coffee before Daniel goes to shower. I listen to him singing and grin to myself, I love happy Daniel. I must fall back to sleep as I’m woken later by a damp Daniel kissing me softly and whispering that he needs to go.
“I’ll see you back here?” I mumble half asleep.
“Yes, I’ll be finished by three. Have a wonderful day, take photos, lots of photos so I can see what you get up to.”
“I will.” I mumble.
“I wish I could climb back into bed and snuggle with you, you’re entirely too tempting right now.” he groans, kissing me again.
“Tomorrow, tomorrow we snuggle together.” I grin as he slips a hand into the duvet and down my body till he reaches my hip.
“This afternoon, we’re taking a nap.” his thumb rubs circles on my bare hip.
“Sounds perfect.”
“I need to go. Please be safe,” he kisses me one more time before getting up off the bed and going to pick up his bag, “And if you need anything, phone me.”
“I will. Have fun!” I call as he walks to the door.
“You too!” he calls back.
Ten seconds later the door snaps shut and I’m all alone in the huge bed, surrounded by Daniel’s scent and the New York skyline for company. I could stay here all day and I’d be happy, I’m not going to though, I’m going shopping and I’m going to find somewhere that makes huge fluffy pancakes and I’m going to eat my weight in them.
Chapter Twenty
I am in shoe heaven. I’m pretty sure at least two of the pairs I am currently lusting over are coming home with me. They are whispering to me, I can actually hear them telling me I have to buy them. I ask the sales assistant for my size and wait, looking around at more shoes that I’m pretty sure I’ll fall in love with too if I look at them too long. When the helpful young man comes back holding the boxes, I happily slip my foot out of my boot and sock and into the brown leather pump. It’s like slipping my foot into a shoe made just for me. This is what Cinderella must have felt like when she tried on the glass slipper. I double check the other pair fits, this one in black, before nodding happily to the young man and telling him I’ll take both pairs.
“I really should step away from the shoes before I buy another pair, two is more than enough.” I laugh.
“My girlfriend tells me, these will go with everything any time she wants a new pair of shoes,” he smiles, “Then we go out and she tells me she doesn’t have a pair of shoes to wear!”
“It’s not just me then?”
“No, definitely not just you. I’m sure your husband feels the same as I do,” he glances at my left hand, “Men don’t really understand women and shoes… or bags.” he smiles.
“Oh, I’m not… Yes, I’m sure he does.” I swallow down the lump in my throat at the mention of my husband and smile.
I still wear my wedding ring, the poor guy doesn’t know that my husband is gone. I thank him for his help and take the bags containing the shoes from him. He wishes me a good day and I the same to him, then I head to the dresses. I need a dress to wear with the shoes, don’t I? I also need to cheer myself up a little and a new dress never fails to cheer me up. I spot the dress as I exit the lift. It’s white and has lace sleeves, I love lace. I find my size and take it to the changing rooms to try it on. It fits perfectly and teamed with the tan pumps I just purchased it’s going to be perfect. After stopping for coffee, I’m surprised to see it’s already two-thirty. Making my way back to our hotel I arrive a little after three and meet Daniel waiting by the lifts.
sp; “Hey handsome.” I whisper as I approach. His head snaps up and his breathtaking grin spreads over his face, his eyes lighting up when they see me. He holds out his hand for me and I take it, lacing our fingers together. The lift pings its arrival and we both step in. Daniel eyes the bags in my hand and grins.
“You had a successful trip?”
“The best, wait till you see the shoes!”
“Shoes? What kind of shoes?” he asks, leaning a little closer.
“Heels, pointed toe… Just wait, I can’t explain them and do them justice.”